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Service Dog Registry USA already assisted hundreds to thousands of families’ and listed already their Therapy Dog in our website. Therapy Dog is a trained dog that shows passion and enjoyment through psychological or physiological therapy with their handler to nursing homes, retirement homes, schools, hospitals, people in disaster areas, and people with psychiatric disorder.  These dogs are friendly, gentle, patient, and at ease with strangers. Temperament is the most important characteristic of a Therapy Dog. Therapy Dog is only allowed to access in any public locations by courtesy; they cannot travel in the cabin of an airline for free and are not exempted from pet restricted housing.

What is Therapy Dog?

Therapy Dog is a friend to everyone! They usually not an assistance or service dog, but can be one or both with some organizations. A Therapy Dog must be well-trained to work in public places, provided with courtesy. In some areas, they must pass the Canine Good Service (CGS) and Therapy Dog Certification Test before they can be called as an official Therapy Dog. They usually go and volunteer in places such as nursing homes, schools, hospitals, and other similar facilities. In this way they tried to lift up and boost the spirit of the patients. This is by providing that one of a kind comfort for the patients by the Therapy Dog. Enable for the Therapy Dog be recognize by the public that they are not just a pet but Therapy Dog, they wear vests and bandannas with patches.

The Therapy Dog and their handler work together as a team for they need each other to cheer up a person, to improve their lives and to see light in the darkest room. On the other hand, Therapy Dog is socialized through a certification program of life. 


Characteristics of a Good Therapy Dog

Therapy Dog must be well-trained to allow them to cover a wide range of environment to provide companionship with the patient. Service Dog and Emotional Support Dog have a different purpose and target patients compared to them. Therapy Dog undergoes a behavioral test and regular health check to secure the patients’ health and life. Size, breed or age of dogs may be acceptable to become Therapy Dog but before they will be qualified as one, they must have the following characteristics:

  • Patient

  • Sociable

  • Non-aggressive

  • Fearless

  • Calm

  • Pleasant

  • Trainable


How to get your dog be a certified Therapy Dog?

If you really want that your dog will be a certified Therapy Dog, and then, be prepared with the time and effort that you’ll surely invest. Certification standards vary depending on what organization you’re being certified with, but the training usually involves the following:

  • Register your dog in any Therapy Dog class.

  • Enroll them with a national Therapy Dog organization.

  • Training classes (usually 4+ hours over several weeks)

  • Your dog demonstrating the ability to follow a series of commands (sit, stay, off, leave it, say hi)

  • Monitored visits to observe how your dog performs.

  • Mingle your dog to different places, things, and people and with the other dogs.

  • Train them to not jump on people.

  • Proof of health from a vet (you may have to re-submit this annually)


Health Benefits of Therapy Dog

Therapy Dog is already known by the good result or feedback from its patients. Are you wondering what do the changes that the patients experience? The following are the health benefits of having a Therapy Dog:

  1. Lowering blood pressure

  2. Lowering levels of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

  3. Reducing patient anxiety

  4. Increasing the level of endorphin

  5. Increasing the level of Oxycontin


The first Therapy Dog

Smoky is the first official therapy dog (on record). Smoky weighs 1.8kg Yorkshire Terrier who accompanied the nurses at a hospital in New Guinea as they dealt with battlefield casualties. Smoky was so successful she went on to work as a therapy dog for 12 years, even after the war was over.

Therapy Support Dog

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